Happy New Year!

This year I decided to kick off the blog with a more personal piece. I hope you’ll find it helpful. I know this year will be different. It will be a big year. I feel it. So, here goes….

We made it through the Holidays’ craziness and now the reality sets in. Back to work and life as we know it. Some people dread this time of the year while others are all hyped up about their New Year’s resolutions. And what if you don’t have any? That is a resolution in itself! 😉

I know it’s not what one wants to hear, but let’s think about it for a second. Most people, when asked what is your NYR, say whatever has been bugging them with the hopes of fixing it. But what if you take the time to really think about your dreams and goals?

I will admit that I have never successfully stuck to my NYR in my LIFE! Maybe for a month before I got bored. Later, I realized that when making such resolutions I’ve been choosing something that was a bit far-fetched. I just didn’t have the plan, or structure if you will, to follow through with it. And naturally, I stopped making any resolutions or goals because I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because I have finally figured it out! And hopefully, you are smarter than me and it wouldn’t take you years to come to this conclusion. It doesn’t matter what your goal is for the year. If it’s not something that you truly want or is not aligned with your beliefs, it is very unlikely to come to fruition. We are MASTERS at lying to ourselves. What is the story we tell ourselves? And more importantly - why do we keep telling it, if it’s not serving us?

The real reason is FEAR. It may be time to face that beast and put it to rest.

Personally, I am afraid of success, not sure why but there you have it. Self-sabotage is a real thing. So, after I came to that conclusion, I decided to have a weekend for myself and try to figure out what is it that I want to achieve in 2019. I ended up writing 3 pages of goals and an endless to-do list. For example, some of my goals for this year are to add another member to the team, help more people with their moves, and do more self-care!

How am I going to do it all? 👉 With a well-crafted plan!

I challenge you to set aside a day, or a couple of hours if you can’t spare a whole day and just be with your thoughts. Go somewhere quiet, unplug from everything, and listen to your heart. Acknowledge the thoughts that come to your mind and pay attention to your dreams. Then write down what is it you want and how are you going to achieve it.

Warning: It’s not easy to unplug from the world and the distractions in it, or to be comfortable with your thoughts. It’s not impossible! For some it might be just tackling the house projects, for others might be changing careers.

Whatever you decide to do, there are others that can support you on the way. Now that you have decided on your course of action, go out there and start creating the life you truly want! You are the one in charge!

~ Pavlina

1/22/2019 Update: Just finished listening to Michael Hyatt's Podcast about How to Fix New Year's Resolutions {Click HERE}. If you need practical advice on how to approach this subject. I also HIGHLY  recommend his podcast! 


Christmas in the storage!


Guide to Stress-Free Holidays