5 Easy Practical Steps For Time Management Beginners style!
There are few things you can do to improve your productivity and time management. There are so many methods, apps and ways you can streamline the processes throughout your day. The following are few to start with. You can only add and improve from here.
Self-care through Time Management and the Truth behind it
Examine your behavior and be honest with yourself about the reasons why you are unable to stick to the schedule or complete the tasks or you are always late for meetings. What are the things that are distracting you?
I'm back from Europe! Here are my top packing tips...
I just returned from a two-week trip around Europe. I always wanted to do a road trip there and this year I went through France and a little bit of Spain. I didn't use half of the clothes that I packed. I know many of you have heard of those 2 methods - most people stick to one - I utilize both of them.